In 2006 a TV show called Heroes debuted on NBC. It became a massive success for the channel incredibly quickly, gaining rave reviews for its first season. Why is this relevant to a blog about comic books? Because the show was about ordinary people finding they have superpowers. The clue’s in the name.
Superheroes are not exclusively found in comic books, but
that is the medium in which the stereotypical image of the superhero first rose
to prominence. They are strongly linked to comic books thanks to the success
and history of both DC and Marvel. It’s where they have found their greatest
success. In the last decade or so (starting several years before Heroes
appeared on our screens) movie adaptions of the big two’s characters have
become popular. A handful of original superhero flicks have even sprung up,
such as The Incredibles and the Will Smith vehicle Hancock.
TV shows about superheroes were not a new thing in 2006.
There had been numerous adaptions of the Marvel and DC gangs for decades. There
was the Adam West Batman show for starters. Everyone from the Green Hornet to
the Incredible Hulk got a TV show. 1993 saw Superman get Lois & Clark: The
New Adventures of Superman which was followed up eight years later by
Smallville, the same year the whilly original creation Mutant X launched.
Kids TV had proven a particularly good place to establish
original superhero creations. The Powerpuff Girls, Freakazoid, Captain Planet,
and the Power Rangers are just a handful of examples of characters that fit under
the broad title of superhero.
While Superheroes weren’t new to television in 2006 the
approach Heroes took was. The majority of adaptions and original properties
that had come before showed us a world where people with powers were
commonplace and working on both sides of the good-evil spectrum. Characters had
previously been happy to strut around in ridiculous outfits and displayed ease
with regards to power control.
Heroes kept things simple, with the majority of the show’s characters discovering their powers for the first time and ignoring the existence of spandex at all costs. It was a drama show produced for adults, not a cheap, throwaway kids show made to fill air time on a Saturday morning. Cues were taken from the world of comics but Heroes was its own beast, the emphasis firmly on real characters with real problems. The powers were what helped set the show apart, not the focus.
Season one succeeded mostly because it was different and
well written but also because of luck. The show came along at just the right
time and featured just enough quirky touches to work. Giving a Wolverine-like
healing factor to a teenage cheerleader was one such touch. It was familiar
enough to be instantly understandable and yet completely alien because the
person with the power wasn’t a grizzled, cigar-chomping mercenary from the
nineteenth century.
Of course Claire, the cheerleader, spawned another of the
show’s great hits: the line “Save the cheerleader, save the world!” Not only was it esoteric enough to stick but it
made sense within the show, a succinct summary of one of the central goals of
the plot, to stop Claire’s healing factor falling into the hands of a psychotic
The reappearing motifs of the DNA swirl and the eclipse
proved far more popular than seemed reasonable too. People enjoyed tracking
their appearances and conjecturing as to what they could mean. There were the
mystery of The Man in the Horned Rimmed Glasses, the ongoing threat of Sylar,
and the charming story of Hiro Nakamura to entertain too. The show built up a
mythos but didn’t revel in it. Not during its first season anyway.
The cast of characters of that first season was
tremendous. Thought was put into how a character’s traits would reflect in
their power, if they had one. Everyone had a distinct voice and a reason for
behaving the way they did. The
show embraced its comic book heritage by dropping in little nods for fans, such
as hiring artist Tim Sale to provide artwork. It even emulated famous stories: the X Men tale Days of
Future Past famously provided the inspiration for Five Years Gone. Heroes also
featured time travel as an important plot device. That may seem irrelevant (and
it is in regard to comics) but Steven Moffat proved that audiences have an
appetite for that sort of thing when he took over Doctor Who in 2010 (arguably
earlier if you want to look at Blink, although the popularity of a one off
episode isn’t really an indication of a trend).
Sadly the show’s success could not be sustained beyond
the opening series. Season two featured a naff plot about a virus being
unleashed. Then the writers’ strike hit. In a way that was a mercy. It forced
Heroes to wrap things up and get ready for the third season.
Sadly things didn’t improve there, they only got worse.
New characters that were introduced failed to be as engaging as their
predecessors, and numerous bit part players from the show’s opening years had
their parts beefed up, in most cases unnecessarily. In another, unplanned, nod
to comics characters proved tough to kill for very long which quickly served to
nullify what had been a dramatic and meaningful programme. That was one aspect
of comicdom Heroes should have stayed away from.
By the end of the third series it was clear the concept
was played out. Bryan Fuller, credited as one of the show’s driving forces
during the opening season, had left to make his own show and had been replaced
by Jeph Loeb. Yes, the same Jeph Loeb who loves to fetishize Marvel and DC
characters and has an unhealthy love of continuity. His arrival coincided with
the minor characters playing a more substantial role and a greater interest
being taken in the mythos and canon of the programme.
Heroes was cancelled after its fourth season. Spiritually
it died much earlier than that. Anything after season one is a disappoint to
view. But if you’re interested in seeing a show that inspired and paved the way
for programmes such as Misfits, No Ordinary Family and Alphas, or you’re a fan
of comics that construct realistic characters, season one of Heroes, and only season one, is definitely worth